Travel Info in Hong Kong

Currency Exchange 兑换
There are numerous exchange places all over HK and all banks provide exchange facilities, although most charge HKD50 commission. Virtually all ATM’s accept visa, MasterCard etc.
Credit cards are widely accepted throughout HK – most stores charge a service fee for credit card transactions.

Internet 网吧:
Pacific Coffee Houses can be found all around Hong Kong and has free internet access.

Telephone 公用电话:
You can make international calls from the hotel or buy an IP card. English instructions on the back.

Post Office 邮局:
The closest post office is on Nathan Rd, half way between Jordan and Yaumatei MTR stations. The GPO is just west of the Star Ferry Terminal HK side.
Take the Star Ferry between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon

HK is one of the easiest cities to get around.

The easiest and quickest way to get around. Well signed and announcements also in English.

Taxi 出租汽车
Taxis are relatively expensive, but they are available everywhere.

Bus 公共汽车:
Hong Kong buses, although crowded, are one of the best ways to see the city. They are well marked.

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